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In Re Baby Girl Clausen

Significance, A Change Of Heart, Iowa Is Judged Home, Impact, Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act


Jan and Roberta DeBoer


Daniel Schmidt and Cara Clausen

Appellants' Claim

That Michigan courts could modify Iowa custody orders under authority of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act.

Chief Lawyer for Appellants

Suellyn Scarecchia

Chief Lawyers for Appellees

Richard S. Victor, Scott Bassett, Marian L. Faupel

Justices for the Court

Patricia J. Boyle, James Brickley, Michael F. Cavanagh (writing for the court), Richard A. Griffin, Conrad L. Mallatt, Jr., Dorothy Comstock Riley

Justice Dissenting

Charles Levin


Lansing, Michigan

Date of Decision

2 July 1993


Found in favor of the Clausens by upholding a Michigan court of appeals ruling that denied the DeBoers legal standing to challenge for custody of baby girl Clausen.

Related Cases

  • May v. Anderson, 345 U.S. 528 (1953).
  • In re Brandon L.E., 183 W.Va. 113 (S.E.2d 515 1990).
  • In re Gregory Kingsley, 1992 WO 551484 (Fla. Ct. App. 1992).
  • Twigg v. Mays, 1993 WL 330624 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Aug. 18, 1993).


http://www.brandeslaw.com/uccja.htm. 28 USC Sec. 1738A


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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationNotable Trials and Court Cases - 1989 to 1994