Central Intelligence Agency
The End Of The Cold War
The importance of the threat imposed by Ames's dealings with the Soviet Union was seemingly diminished with that country's dissolution. But despite the apparent end of the cold war and the break-up of the former Soviet Union, the United States continues to spy on the Russian Republic. The former Soviet Union also continues its own covert activities within the United States.
Some question the continued need for the CIA in the post-cold war era. But supporters need point no further than the war with Iraq to justify continued backing for the agency. The CIA was responsible for supplying intelligence reports that allowed the United States to cripple the Iraqi efforts in the Gulf War with an initial air strike. Without the assistance of the CIA, the war might not have reached such a swift ending. Supporters also argue that it is unfair to criticize a covert organization for its failures when so little attention is given to its successes. When the CIA is functioning efficiently and effectively, its operation is invisible to the country's citizens; it is only in failure that the secrecy of the agency is betrayed to scrutinizing eyes.
Since the end of the cold war, some members of Congress have called for severe cuts in the CIA's budget or dissolution of the agency. President BILL CLINTON said that such ideas are "profoundly
Aldrich Ames was arrested in February 1994, for selling U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union. His betrayal of double agents led to the death of at least 12 Soviet and Eastern European spies. Ames was sentenced to life imprisonment.
wrong," and that the United States still faces many threats and challenges, including TERRORISM, drug trafficking, and nuclear proliferation. "I believe making deep cuts in intelligence during peacetime is comparable to canceling your HEALTH INSURANCE when you're feeling fine," he said.
Additional topics
- Central Intelligence Agency - September 11th And The Aftermath
- Central Intelligence Agency - The Ames Scandal
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