2 minute read

Prosecution: Comparative Aspects


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BLANKENBURG, ERHARD; SESSAR, KLAUS; and STEFFEN, WIEBKE. Die Staatsanwaltschaft im Prozess strafrechtlicher Sozialkontrolle. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1978.

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DAVIS, KENNETH C. Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969.

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FIONDA, JULIA. Public Prosecutors and Discretion: A Comparative Study. Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press, 1995.

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GOLDSTEIN, ABRAHAM S., and MARCUS, MARTIN. "The Myth of Judicial Supervision in Three 'Inquisitorial' Systems: France, Italy, and Germany." Yale Law Journal 87 (1977): 240–283.

KOCK, GERALD L., and FRASE, RICHARD S. The French Code of Criminal Procedure. Translated from French by Gerald L. Kock and Richard S. Frase. Littleton: Rothman, 1988.

LIDSTONE, K. W.; HOGG, RUSSELL; and SUTCLIFFE, FRANK. Prosecutions by Private Individuals and Non-Police Agencies. Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure, Research Study No. 10. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1980.

MILLER, FRANK W. Prosecution: The Decision to Charge a Suspect with a Crime. Edited by Frank J. Remington. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.

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PRADEL, JEAN. Droit penal. Procedure penale, 9th ed. Paris: Cujas, 1997.

SPRACK, JOHN. Emmins on Criminal Procedure, 8th ed. London: Blackstone Press, 2000.

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STEFFEN, WIEBKE. Analyse polizeilicher Ermittlungstätigkeit aus der Sicht des späteren Strafverfahrens. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 1976.

STITH, KATE, and CABRANES, JOSE A. Fear of Judging: Sentencing Guidelines in the Federal Courts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.

WEIGEND, THOMAS. "In Germany, Fines often Imposed in lieu of Prosecution." Intermediate Sanctions in Overcrowded Times. Edited by Michael H. Tonry and Kate Hamilton. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pages 50–55.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationCrime and Criminal LawProsecution: Comparative Aspects - Who Prosecutes?, Criminal Investigation And The Prosecutor, The Decision To Prosecute, Bibliography