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Organ Transplantation

Further Readings

Blair, Roger D., and David L. Kaserman. 1991."The Economics and Ethics of Alternative Cadaveric Organ Procurement Policies." Yale Journal on Regulation 8 (summer).

Bryan, Jenny, and John Clare. 2001. Organ Farm: Pig to Human Transplants. London: Carlton.

Caplan, Arthur L. 1992. If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? and Other Essays on the Ethics of Health Care. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press.

Gerritsen, Tess. 1996. Harvest. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Green, Reg. 2000. The Nicholas Effect: A Boy's Gift to the World. Cambridge, Mass.: O'Reilly & Associates.

Harris, Curtis E., and Stephen P. Alcorn. 2001. "To Solve a Deadly Shortage: Economic Incentives for Human Organ Donation." Issues in Law & Medicine 16 (spring).

Kaserman, David L., and A.H. Barnett. 2002. The U.S. Organ Procurement System: A Prescription for Reform. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press.

Koch, Tom. 2002. Scarce Goods: Justice, Fairness, and Organ Transplantation. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Kristof, Nicholas D. 2002. "Psst! Wanna Sell a Kidney?" Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (November 12).

Naylor, Chad D. 1989. "The Role of the Family in Cadaveric Organ Procurement." Indiana Law Journal 65 (winter).

Sylvia, Claire, and William Novak. 1997. A Change of Heart. New York: Little, Brown.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Ordinary resolution to Patients' Rights - ConsentOrgan Transplantation - Organ Shortages, Organ Procurement: Is It Better To Give Or To Sell?, Controversial Issues