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D. Kansas Opinion of U.S. District Court August (3,) (1951)

How To Use Milestones In The Law

In the materials that follow, the reader is invited to review the judicial opinions and the briefs of the parties in this milestone in U.S. law. As you read this section, you may wish to consider the following questions:

  • How did the appellant's description of the issues before the Court, or questions presented, differ from the appellee's description?
  • How did the parties differ in describing the history relevant to this case?
  • What aspects of the conflict presented in Brown make it difficult for a court (as opposed to a legislature) to resolve?
  • Why might Brown apply, or not apply, to discrimination based on a criterion other than race?

*The Supreme Court granted review to several similar cases from different states, which it consolidated with the Brown case for review. In the interest of space, the district court opinions from the other states' cases are omitted here. Also omitted are the opinion of the Supreme Court consolidating the cases and the briefs of the state of Kansas, which was asked by the Court to present its position on the issues.

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationNotable Trials and Court Cases - 1941 to 1953D. Kansas Opinion of U.S. District Court August (3,) (1951) - How To Use Milestones In The Law, This Case In History, Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka - ISSUE, MATERIALS