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Dispute Resolution Programs


BRAITHWAITE, JOHN. Crime, Shame, and Reintegration. Cambridge University Press, 1989.

——. "Restorative Justice: Assessing Optimistic and Pessimistic Accounts." Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, vol. 25. (ed. M. Tonry), 1999, pp. 1–127.

BROWN, JENNIFER GERARDA. "The Use of Mediation to Resolve Criminal Cases: A Procedural Critique." Emory Law Journal 43 (1994): 1247–1309.

DANZIG, RICHARD. "Toward the Creation of a Complementary, Decentralized System of Criminal Justice." Stanford Law Review 26 (1973): 1–54.

FELSTINER, WILLIAM, and WILLIAMS, LYNNE. "Mediation as an Alternative to Criminal Prosecution: Ideology and Limitations." Law and Human Behavior 2 (1978): 223–244.

GALAWAY, BURT, and HUDSON, JOE, eds. Criminal Justice, Restitution, and Reconciliation. Monsey, N.Y.: Criminal Justice Press, 1990.

RICE, PAUL. "Mediation and Arbitration as a Civil Alternative to the Criminal Justice System—An Overview and Legal Analysis." American University Law Review 29 (1979): 17–81.

UMBREIT, MARK S. Crime and Reconciliation: Creative Options for Victims and Offenders. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1985.

——. Victim Meets Offender: The Impact of Restorative Justice and Mediation. Monsey, N.Y.: Criminal Justice Press, 1994.

WRIGHT, MARTIN, and GALAWAY, BURT. Mediation and Criminal Justice. London: SAGE, 1989.

ZEHR, HOWARD. Changing Lenses. Scottsdale, Penn: Herald Press, 1990.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationCrime and Criminal LawDispute Resolution Programs - History, Variety In Program Structures And Protocols, Critique, Bibliography