NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Further Readings
Greenberg, Jack. 1994. Crusaders in the Courts: How a Dedicated Band of Lawyers Fought for the Civil Rights Revolution. New York: BasicBooks.
Kluger, Richard. 2004. Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. Rev. ed. New York: Knopf.
Orfield, Gary, Susan E. Eaton, and Elaine R. Jones. 1997. Dismantling Desegregation: The Quiet Reversal of Brown v. Board of Education. New York: New Press.
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Available online at <> (accessed July 28, 2003).
Schwartz, Bernard. 1986. Swann's Way: The School Busing Case and the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
Additional topics
Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Ministerial to National Education AssociationNAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund - Further Readings