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Military Law

Further Readings

Bishop, Joseph W., Jr. 1974. Justice Under Fire: A Study of Military Law. New York: Charterhouse.

Duignan, Kathleen A. 1996."Military Justice." Federal Lawyer 43.

Falvey, Joseph L. 1995. "United Nations Justice or Military Justice." Fordham International Law Journal 19.

Fuger, Stanley J. 1992. "Military Justice." Connecticut Bar Journal 66.

Gilligan, Francis A. 1990."Civilian Justice v. Military Justice." Criminal Justice 5 (summer).

Kohlmann, Ralph H. 1996. "Saving the Best-Laid Plans." Army Lawyer 3 (August).

U.S. Department of Defense. 2002. Manual for Courts-Martial. Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense.

Wiener, Frederick B. 1989. "American Military Law in the Light of the First Mutiny Act's Tricentennial." Military Law Review 126 (fall).

Winthrop, William. 2000. Military Law and Precedents. Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Marque and Reprisal to MinisterMilitary Law - Service In The Military, Rights Of Service Members, Military Criminal Justice System, Law Of Armed Conflict