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Crime Causation: Biological Theories

Biological Factors

Biological influences, including psychophysiological and biochemical measures are thought to mediate the relationship between genetics and criminal behavior. Psychophysiological measures, including electroencephalogram (EEG) activity, heart rate (HR), event-related potentials (ERP), and skin conductance (SC), have been identified as potential biological markers that may help to distinguish criminals from noncriminals. This literature has been thoroughly reviewed by Raine.

Other, more direct measures of biological functioning, may provide additional information regarding the role of biological factors in the etiology of criminal behavior. One such factor that has been widely investigated since the last edition of this volume is the role of serotonergic dysregulation in criminal behavior.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationCrime and Criminal LawCrime Causation: Biological Theories - Genetic Epidemiological Studies, Gene-environment Interactions, Sex Differences In Genetic Liability To Criminality, Is There A Genetic Liability To Violence?