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Newton Leroy Gingrich

Further Readings

Gingrich, Newt. 1995. To Renew America. New York: Harper-Collins.

——, with David Drake and Marianne Gingrich. 1984. Window of Opportunity. New York: Tom Doherty Associates.

Gugliotta, Guy, and Juliet Eilperin. 1998. "Gingrich Steps Down in Face of Rebellion." Washington Post (November 7).

"The Long March of Newt Gingrich." PBS: Frontline. Available online at <www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/newt> (accessed June 26, 2003).

1995–1996 Official Congressional Directory, 104th Congress. 1995. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Wilkins, David. 1991. "Newt Gingrich." Newsmakers 1991. Edited by Louise Mooney. Detroit: Gale Research.

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Freedom of association to Good WillNewton Leroy Gingrich - Further Readings