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Further Readings

Committee on the Judiciary. 1999. Federal Courts: Differences Exist in Ordering Fines and Restitutions. Washington, D.C.: Government Accounting Office.

Furgeson, W. Royal Jr., Catharine M. Goodwin, and Stephanie Lynn Zucker. 2000. "The Perplexing Problem with Criminal Monetary Penalties in Federal Courts." Review of Litigation 19 (spring): 167–91.

Johnson, Jim. 2002. "Cruising for a Bruising; Cruise Line Admits Dumping Oil, Will Pay $1 Million Fine." Waste News (August 19).

Mangan, Lisa Suzanne. 1993. "Aborting the Indecency Standard in Political Programming." Communication Law Conspectus 1.

Tecce, James Charles. 1994. "Prisoners Paying for the Costs of Their Own Incarceration: United States Circuit Courts of Appeal Spar over the Validity and Application of United States Sentencing Guideline Section 5E1.2." Dickinson Law Review 99 (fall).

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Filiation Proceeding to Freedom from encumbranceFines - Further Readings