Federal Communications Commission
Much of the investigative and enforcement work of the FCC is carried out by the commission's field staff. The Field Operations Bureau
President Bill Clinton signs the Telecommunications Act of 1996 into effect on February 8.
has six regional offices and 35 field offices. It also operates a nationwide fleet of mobile radio direction-finding vehicles for technical enforcement purposes. The field staff detects radio violations and enforces rules and regulations. The radio spectrum is under continuous surveillance to detect unlicensed operation and activities or nonconforming transmissions, and to furnish radio bearings on ships and planes in distress. The Field Operations Bureau also administers public service programs aimed at educating FCC licensees, industry, and the general public to improve compliance with FCC rules and regulations.
Additional topics
- Federal Communications Commission - Telecommunications Act Of 1996
- Federal Communications Commission - Office Of Engineering And Technology
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Ex proprio motu (ex mero motu) to FileFederal Communications Commission - Media Bureau, Wireline Competition Bureau, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, International Bureau, Consumer And Governmental Affairs Bureau