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Canada and the United States

Further Readings

"Dispute Resolution under Chapter 19 of the United States–Canada Free-Trade Agreement: Did the Parties Get What They Bargained For?" 1995. Stanford Journal of International Law (winter).

"The Effect of the United States–Canada Free Trade Agreement upon United States Immigration Law."1988. Practicing Law Institute (October 1).

"From Customary Law to Environmental Assessment: A New Approach to Avoiding Transboundary Environmental Damage between Canada and the United States." 1995. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review (winter).

McKenna, Barrie. February 3, 2003. "Canada Turns on the Charm to Woo the U.S." The Globe and Mail.

"The North American Experience Managing Transboundary Water Resources: The International Joint Commission and the International Boundary and Water Commission." 1993. Natural Resources Journal (spring).

Rae, Robert K. 2000. "The Politics of Cross Border Dispute Resolution." Canada United States Law Journal.

"United States–Canadian Free Trade: Economic Repercussions of the CFTA and NAFTA on the United States, Canada, and the Great Lakes Region." Great Lakes Symposium 1994. University of Toledo Law Review.

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Bryan Treaties (Bryan Arbitration Treaties) to James Earl Carter Jr. - Further ReadingsCanada and the United States - Further Readings