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Robert Heron Bork

Further Readings

Abraham, Henry Julian. 1999. Justices, Presidents, and Senators: A History of the U.S. Supreme Court Appointments from Washington to Clinton. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Bork, Robert H. 1990. The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Kutler, Stanley I. 1992. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon.New York:Norton.

Pertschuk, Michael, and Wendy Schaetzel. 1989. The People Rising: The Campaign against the Bork Nomination. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press.

Sager, Lawrence. 1990. "Back to Bork." New York Review of Books (October 25).

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Bill of Particulars to William Benson BryantRobert Heron Bork - Further Readings