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Air Transportation Regulation

The FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION(FAA) is the agency with the authority to govern air commerce. The intent of such regulation is to advance the growth and safety of air travel while simultaneously satisfying national defense needs. The director of the FAA has the power to engage in, or monitor, work and testing that will bring about the production of advanced aircraft; to set forth prescribed rules and regulations for the planning and servicing of airplanes; and to administer stringent sanctions if the regulations are not observed. The FAA is also responsible for air traffic control at airports. The NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD (NTSB) is charged with the responsibility of investigating the circumstances surrounding, and the causes of, accidents involving aircraft.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationFree Legal Encyclopedia: Additional voluntary contribution (AVC) to AirspaceAeronautics - Airspace Rights, Air Transportation Regulation, Certificate Requirements, Airport Operation, Use And Ownership Of Aircraft Vehicles - Regulation on the State and Local Level, Aerospace