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Sleepy Lagoon Trials: 1942-43

Suggestions For Further Reading

"Conviction of 12 Reversed in Sleepy Lagoon Murder." Los Angeles Times (October 5, 1944): 1.

Kinloch, John. "Mexicans Face Police Terror Round-Ups; Vile Press Slurs." California Eagle (November 5, 1942): IA, 7B.

Maz6n, Mauricio. The Zoot Suit Riots. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984.

Tobar, Hector. "Sleepy Lagoon Victims Laud Their Champion." Ldos Angeles Times (April 20, 1997): B-1.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationNotable Trials and Court Cases - 1941 to 1953Sleepy Lagoon Trials: 1942-43 - Zoot Suit Riots, "tangible And Substantial Evidence Is Woefully Lacking", Suggestions For Further Reading