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Asbestos Lawyer Mesothelioma

Finding the Right Asbestos Lawyer for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma, a type of cancer affecting the membrane surrounding the lungs, is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, and is thought to be linked to asbestos inhalation in the workplace. Because of unsafe working conditions some people have been exposed to, they have developed this cancer, and seeking out an asbestos lawyer for mesothelioma has become of paramount importance to many who are entitled to settlements for medical bills and distress. Mesothelioma lawyers are often advertised online and on television, but reading these tips can help you decide on the right asbestos cancer lawyer to represent you.

• Check on the statute of limitations for your case. A statute of limitations, in this case, is the maximum time after being exposed to asbestos that you may file a suit against your former workplace, and this time varies from state to state. It can be as little as two years after exposure to asbestos to as long as two years after a mesothelioma diagnosis, and a diagnosis can sometimes only be made decades after actual exposure. Since many asbestos attorneys representing mesothelioma cases can offer free or low-cost consultations, give them as much information as you can about the time frame of workplace exposure, or exposure to other sources of asbestos, such as in household insulation. Statutes of limitations vary by state, so it is important to make sure you even have a case before proceeding.

• Many mesothelioma attorneys actually represent a variety of clients from various states in lawsuits. Do some research and make sure the law firms you look up are licensed to represent you in your state. While not every personal injury lawyer specializes in mesothelioma cases, you may be able to find an excellent local attorney who is usually successful in prosecuting personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits.

• If you are using a local lawyer, see if they have dealt with other cases involving asbestos-related injury or rare forms of disease or injury sustained at the workplace. Ask to speak to other clients they have represented, or request references, as well as what the outcomes of these cases were.

• Would you be eligible for a class action lawsuit? Some class-action lawsuits against major employers are generally in the proceedings at any given moment. Again, however, it is essential to find a group of attorneys licensed to represent people in your state. Ensure that the asbestos lawyer is licensed to practice law in your state, and see if he or she belongs to state personal injury attorney associations, or national associations like the American Association for Justice.

• Internet searches and inquiring about law firms seen on television is fine, but keep in mind that only legitimate mesothelioma law firms will be transparent about the track record of their cases, how successful they were in obtaining compensation for their clients, what fees they charge, and their ability to represent you in your present location and condition. Advertising money is never a substitute for research.

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