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Inc. v. CompuServe Cubby Inc.

Regulation Of The Internet

The Internet, a powerful, new, unregulated, electronic communication medium, grew rapidly in the 1990s. By 1995, 24 million people subscribed to Internet providers. Internet technology allows worldwide transmission of written text and digitized images. Concerns over what was transmitted across the net escalated. The related debate focused on creating controls versus freedom of ideas.

Pornography is one major concern. Regulation proponents contend distribution of obscene or indecent material to children must be halted. Civil libertarians counter with a defense of freedom of speech and ideas. Furthermore, attempts at regulation usually restrict more than intended.

Some maintain online providers must review all material posted on the Internet. Opponents argue that it is unreasonable for providers to be held libel for everything that flows though their hardware.

Another issue is "content filtering." Filtering allows individuals to block out material. Proponents advocate the ability to block out at the receiving end. Opponents say that not only individuals but employers, organizations, and even entire service providers could block out materials, causing obtrusive barriers in freewheeling Internet communication.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationNotable Trials and Court Cases - 1989 to 1994Inc. v. CompuServe Cubby Inc. - Significance, Impact, Regulation Of The Internet