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Gender Discrimination

Discrimination In Education: Participation In Athletic Programs

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs, including athletic activities. In passing Title IX, Congress intended to prevent the use of federal resources to promote gender discrimination. Title IX does not require a state university to maintain any athletic program at all. However, it does require a state school to provide equal athletic opportunities to both sexes if the school does choose to offer athletics to its students. Title IX has prompted much litigation by female college athletes, who claim that they are not provided with the same benefits, treatment, services, and opportunities as their male counterparts. If a state university has eliminated a female varsity team, the aggrieved athletes must show that the university failed to provide female students with athletic opportunities that are proportionate to their percentage in the student body.

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Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationGreat American Court CasesGender Discrimination - History, Discrimination In Education: Access To Educational Opportunities, Discrimination In Education: Participation In Athletic Programs