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Strauder v. West Virginia

"a Brand Upon Them", African Americans And The Jury System, Further Readings


Taylor Strauder


State of West Virginia

Appellant's Claim

That a West Virginia statute allowing only whites to serve on juries prevented Strauder from enjoying due process and full protection under the law.

Chief Lawyers for Appellant

George O. Davenport; Charles Devens, U.S. Attorney General

Chief Lawyers for Appellee

Robert White; J. W. Green

Justices for the Court

Joseph P. Bradley, John Marshall Harlan I, Ward Hunt, Samuel Freeman Miller, William Strong (writing for the Court), Noah Haynes Swayne, Morrison Remick Waite

Justices Dissenting

Nathan Clifford, Stephen Johnson Field


Washington, D.C.

Date of Decision

1 March 1880


In favor of Strauder, the appellant.


The Strauder decision established the right of African Americans to be seated as jurors.

Related Cases

  • Ex Parte Virginia, 100 U.S. 339 (1879).
  • United States ex rel. Krueger v. Kinsella, 137 F.Supp. 806 (1956).
  • Murphy v. Garrett, 729 F.Supp. 461 (1990).


Bradley, David, and Shelley Fisher Fishkin, eds. The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1998.

Additional topics

Law Library - American Law and Legal InformationNotable Trials and Court Cases - 1833 to 1882